The earth was created by God as Mother Earth for humans, the
earth that nurtures and gives life to humans. He sustains and provides all
forms of life both in air, land and sea. So, as human beings, we should take
care of the earth which is our home, also our motherland.

What can we do to care for our earth? Many parties contribute
and are aware of the importance of the presence of this earth, so that both
individuals and together in institutions are caring for the earth by reducing
plastics, for example a mother always brings several shopping places to the
market so she never uses plastic again. There are also others who always carry
bottles of drinking water to school or workplaces so they never buy bottled
drinks, there are also other people who do not eat fish and meat or vegetarians
etc. Some of the examples above are ecological awareness to care for the earth.
As we know that every April 22, we commemorate the heart of
the earth. The JPIC Team in the Indonesian Province makes activities carried
out to preserve our earth. To h the Earth Day on April 22, 2019 the followed
seminars were included:
1. First seminar with the theme “Organic Waste Processing”
involved all Community JPIC teams chosen by the Indonesian Province JPIC team
which consisting of 55 people. In this first seminar, participants learned
about how to make their own organic waste which will be used for growing
flowers and vegetables in their own communities. This seminar was conducted on
Wednesday, January 29, 2019 at the Provincialate Hall Monteluco,
Pematangsiantar. The resource person in this seminar was Mr. Janri Parkonson
Damanik. He graduated from Agriculture school and has conducted some
agricultural training in Japan in the recent years.
2. Second seminar with the theme “becoming Creative” it’s
focused on training participants to make the using of stuff turning them into
unique and attractive hand-crafts. It has been approximately 80 participants
including all Novices, Junior and Perpetually Professed Sisters (1st to 5th
year) FCJM. This seminar has taken place on Wednesday, March 20 2019 at the
Provincialate Hall Monteluco, Pematangsiantar.
3.Third seminar with the theme “Organic Waste Processing” has been similar to the first seminar. This seminar involved 40 participants consisting of all the First- and Second-Year Novices and all the sisters in Sinaksak community. The seminar has taken place on Monday, March 25, 2019 in the Novitiate Hall Greccio, Sinaksak, Pematangsiantar. The resource person was Mr. Janri Parkinson Damanik who became the resource person in the first seminar.
After the Sisters were taught and trained to make organic fertilizer, then each Sister made a JPIC PARK in each of their respective communities, for example growing vegetables, flowers etc. but using organic fertilizers that had been practiced. Then on April 22, the JPIC Team conducted an assessment of the JPIC PARK of all these communities.
Although Earth Day has been completed for this year, the Indonesian Provincial JPIC Team will continue to echo the maintenance of this earth. The JPIC Team will continue to assist, develop and continue to manufacture Indian JPIC PARK and look for ways to develop them into schools under the auspices of the Educational Foundation managed by FCJM Sisters. Hopefully the simple way we have done has a good influence on our earth. (Sr. Angela)